# rename this file to Makefile.local and modify as needed # enables PAPI (performance counters) support for most benchmarks # note: you need to build it using build.sh in thirdparty/papi first #WITH_PAPI = TRUE # enables FFTW support for the fft benchmark # note: you need to build it using build.sh in thirdparty/fftw first #WITH_FFTW = TRUE # enables nasm-generated NOPs for the cache_artificial benchmark # note: deprecated, you need to have nasm available #WITH_NASM = TRUE # enables debug CFLAGS (-O1 -g) for valgrind etc #DEBUG = TRUE # set to valgrind (with my modified cachegrind) installation path if you want to use it # to create stack profiles (EXPERIMENTAL) #VALGRIND_PATH = /prj/valgrind/inst/